
What is a full-term pregnancy?

A pregnancy is considered full term at 39 weeks. At this point, your baby's organs are fully mature, they're usually at a healthy weight, and they're most likely to thrive after delivery and in the years ahead.

pregnant woman sitting on the bed, smiling and holding her stomach
Photo credit: / jacoblund

Why is full-term pregnancy important?

It's important to know when babies are developed enough to be born as healthy as possible. For most babies, this is at 39 weeks. Babies who reach this point are considered full term.

It's best not to schedule your baby's delivery via an induction or a C-section before 39 weeks unless there's a medical need to do so.

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On average, pregnancies last about 40 weeks (280 days) from the first day of a woman's last menstrual period. That's how your doctor or midwife will most likely estimate your due date.

Experts previously believed that babies born between 37 and 42 weeks were equally likely to be born healthy. For that reason, people considered pregnancies to be full term at 37 weeks.

Then in 2013 the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)Opens a new window and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM)Opens a new window reviewed the research and decided to change the definition of full term to 39 weeks.

Why is 39 weeks now considered full term?

Full term is now 39 weeks because research has shown that babies born at 39 to 40 weeks were less likely to have certain health problems than those born at 37 weeks.

Babies born at 39 or 40 weeks instead of 37 or 38 weeks:

  • Have more time for their brain, lungs, and liver to fully mature
  • Are less likely to have vision and hearing problems
  • Are more likely to be born at a healthy weight
  • Are more likely to suck and swallow well at birth

Studies have also found an increased risk of learning problems and health problems later in life in babies born before 39 weeks.

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One study looked at the records of more than 150,000 school-age children and found an elevated risk of poor child development in children delivered via a planned birth before 39 weeks. The study looked at physical health and well-being, language and cognition, social competence, emotional maturity, and general knowledge and communication.

What's more, your baby's gestational age can be off by as much as two weeks, even if you had an early ultrasound to date your pregnancy. If you schedule a delivery before 39 weeks and your due date is off by a week or two, your baby may be born before 37 weeks' gestation.

In the past, some caregivers scheduled delivery before 39 weeks for convenience or other non-medical reasons. Their patients may have been happy to avoid the discomfort of the last few weeks of pregnancy since they believed the baby was ready to be born anyway.

ACOG and SMFM clarified that delivery should only be planned before 39 weeks when continuing the pregnancy would put the mother or baby at significant health risks.

What if I go into labor before 39 weeks?

Of course, sometimes delivery before 39 weeks can't be avoided, such as when your water breaks or contractions come early. If you go into labor between 37 and 39 weeks, your provider won't try to delay your labor since most babies born at this point are fine. That said, it's still best to wait until 39 weeks to schedule an induction or C-section.

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In other words, the risks of delivering a few weeks early are not great, but why take any risk at all with your baby's health, if you can avoid it?

Is it best for my baby to stay in my womb as long as possible?

No. Staying in the uterus past 41 weeks isn't optimal for a baby's health, either. That's why ACOG and SMFM now define a full-term pregnancy as one that lasts between 39 weeks, 0 days, and 40 weeks, 6 days. Babies born during this window have the best chance of being healthy, compared with babies born earlier or later.

In order to make this clearer, the two organizations developed these new labels for the last weeks of pregnancy:

  • Early term: 37 weeks, 0 days to 38 weeks, 6 days
  • Full term: 39 weeks, 0 days to 40 weeks, 6 days
  • Late term: 41 weeks, 0 days to 41 weeks, 6 days
  • Postterm: 42 weeks, 0 days and beyond

Why is it risky for my pregnancy to go past 41 or 42 weeks?

Once you reach 41 weeks, the chances of your baby having problems starts to increase, and your provider will likely require you to come in for testing to make sure your baby is continuing to thrive in the womb. This is because the placenta is an organ that ages as the pregnancy progresses, and beyond 41 weeks it may not function as well in delivering oxygen and nutrients to your baby.

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If your pregnancy goes past 40 weeks and 6 days, your provider may recommend that you have a nonstress test or biophysical profile. If the tests show that your baby isn't thriving, your caregiver may decide to induce delivery.

If you don't go into labor by 42 weeks, your caregiver will likely recommend inducing labor. That's because the risks for you and your baby increase significantly after that point. After 42 weeks:

  • Your baby may receive less oxygen and nutrients from you as your placenta starts to degrade or the amount of amniotic fluid decreases, compressing the umbilical cord.
  • Your baby may become too big for you to deliver vaginally.
  • There is a higher chance of stillbirth.

While you're thinking about the big day, check out our video series on childbirth. We cover the signs and stages of labor, pain management, medical procedures, decisions about your newborn, and more.

Learn more:

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BabyCenter's editorial team is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. When creating and updating content, we rely on credible sources: respected health organizations, professional groups of doctors and other experts, and published studies in peer-reviewed journals. We believe you should always know the source of the information you're seeing. Learn more about our editorial and medical review policies.

ACOG. 2022 (reaffirmed). Definition of term pregnancy. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Committee opinion number 579. a new window [Accessed June 2023]

Bentley JP et al. 2016. Planned birth before 39 weeks and child development: A population-based study. Pediatrics 138(6) e20162002. a new window [Accessed June 2023]

Hua J et al. 2019. Differentiating the cognitive development of early-term births in infants and toddlers: a cross-sectional study in China. British Medical Journal Open 9(4). a new window [Accessed June 2023]

March of Dimes. 2018. What is full term? a new window [Accessed June 2023]

March of Dimes. 2018. Why at least 39 weeks is best for your baby. a new window [Accessed June 2023]

MedlinePlus. 2022. When you pass your due date. a new window [Accessed June 2023]

NIH. 2022. Moms-to-be. "Full term" has a new meaning. National Child & Maternal Health Education Program. a new window [Accessed June 20232020]

NIH. 2018. Exploring induced labor for full-term pregnancy. National Institutes of Health. a new window [Accessed June 2023]

Karen Miles
Karen Miles is a writer and an expert on pregnancy and parenting who has contributed to BabyCenter for more than 20 years. She's passionate about bringing up-to-date, useful information to parents so they can make good decisions for their families. Her favorite gig of all is being "Mama Karen" to four grown children and "Nana" to nine grandkids.